Contact and Booking Mobile:+389 75 508 493 +389 70 96 90 80Email:[email protected]Meeting point:Directly from your Hotel or Appartment... :-) web forms BOOK YOUR TANDEM FLIGHT NOW First name * Last name * Phone / WhatsApp / Viber Email * Your weight This part is important for pickup transport for a tour. Where you stay? Name and address from Hotel or APP Preferred flying date * Reserve flying date (if the weather is not good on preferred) * Question / Comments Terms and Conditions Important for us is to know about yours arriving and leaving. If you want to experience beautiful Tandem paragliding, you must ask about reservation at the first day of your arriving in Ohrid, because flying depends of the weather conditions. Fly Ohrid has right to cancel or change the date of the reservation of Tandem flights dependence from the weather condition. If there are some changes you will be inform on time. This is only reservation, The payment is after successful tour. Thanks for the understanding. form to email